The Scrubs Hub comissioned Twisted Plum to create an entire identity, from coming up with a name and personality to designing & developing their website, to writing blogs & engaging with customers on social media. In 2019, after having beat out the competition, they were approached by a larger firm and bought out for a substantial amount.
We sat down with the key stakeholders to develop a name & brand strategy. They wanted to compete with large medical eCommerce suppliers such as AllHeart and Scrubs & Beyond.
We developed a strategy that was quirky and fun and a name that was easy to remember. The brand would speak to medical students and new nurses/doctors ages 21 – 35 & predominantly female – playing on the tagline of “Work Hard, Look Fabulous.”
We created a very sleek and modern website look which made it easy for their millennial target market to find and purchase exactly what they needed.
Online we ran a free giveaway “thank you” campaign which gave away a set of scrubs – up to $50 worth for new customers and they only paid shipping. Shipping was offered free on orders up to $100. This post went viral and got a ton of momentum. The “free items” turned into add-on purchases to get the free shipping and repeat customers who reordered again and again long after the promotion ran out.
To gain sales momentum upon launch for their in-store locations, we offered a 20% discount every Wednesday which saw an immediate influx of customers flooding into their stores every week.